Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Institute of physics of the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik

The organization of technology is a aspect of the Employees of organic sciences of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice in Slovakia. Its house is currently Michal Jaščur. Primary activities of the organization are:

education of students trying to obtain a Professional stage in technology or in any other subject along with technology.
scientific research within locations of magnetism, technology of low conditions, nuclear technology, biophysics, theoretical technology, astrophysics and idea of technology information.

Department of Theoretical Technological innovation and Astrophysics

The Department of Theoretical Technological innovation and Astrophysics provides information within all main careers of theoretical technology. Through series of necessary technology applications, it instructs students for skills either in technology of compressed problem, atomic technology, pc technology or astrophysics.[2]

The analysis at the division employs:

theoretical analysis of eye-catching features of certain elements and level changes in eye-catching systems
development of mathematical sources in geophysics
theory of main particles
physical features of interacting binaries (binary stars)
The analysis of the division contains collaboration with:

Department of Powerful Situation Technological innovation, School of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
Department of Used Technological innovation, Kyushu School, Fukuoka, Japan
Department of Natural Technological innovation Informatics, Nagoya School, Nagoya, Japan
Gerhard Mercator Universität Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany
Joint Organization of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Department of Theoretical Technological innovation, Uzhgorod Situation School, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Instituto de Astrophysique, London, uk, France
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Universita di Napoli "Federico II", Napoli, Italy
Astronomical institution of Czech universities of sciences, Czech Republic

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